Category Archives: video

Girls Generation Brought the Boys Out!!!

Check the ladies out! Are things heating up or what???

SNSD: The Boys (Eng Ver)

SNSD: The Boys (Kor ver)

The girls are trending worldwide! Join the fun #GirlsGenerationDay

My “Orange Caramel” Hair!!

I just realized as I was making the last post that for their latest incarnation in the song “Shanghai Romance”, After School subgroup, Orange Caramel are sporting brown bobs…

… Just. Like. Me!!!!!!!

(to quote 2ne1) Ohmaigahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Are they stalking me??? O.O

Here is the evidence!

er – let’s not do a who wore it better ^^;

Instead enjoy their quirky little song! Lol!



BATTLE OF THE GIRLBANDS: SNSD vs Secret vs Wonder Girls vs T-ara

As a hardcore YG Stan/VIP/Blackjack, I wondered if I’m still qualified to give unbiased opinions on the happenings in Kpop.

Truthfully? I don’t know but – my peeps are on break and I love Kpop so I can’t help being drawn into the excitement of the season we are currently witnessing.

And, Oh my fandom, what an exciting season it is for Kpop right now!!! Hearts are beating, ba-thump, ba-thump all across Kpop land and why? Because we are in the season of the return of the mighty SoShi (aka So Nyuh Shi Dae aka SNSD aka Girls Generation)! The 9 angels of Kpop and South Koreas National Girl Group!

I don’t think there’s been such an anticipated come back since I got into Kpop (which granted was just a little more than a year ago! Lol!) Sones (their fanclub) are in an agitated ecstacy!

And the hype is intense too. Newsie blogs have it that other Entertainment Companies were so intimidated by the impending return of the power house girl group that they all rescheduled their own artists come backs! Imagine that!!!

All, however, except the little girl group that could named, Secret, who just released their album “Moving in Secret” as well as one helluva jimmy-janglin title track called “Love is Move” (사랑은 MOVE) .

The four girl group is right now being applauded for their brave “movement” in going ahead with their schedule even though they did say they were concerned since they know what they are up against. It’s already being said by netizens that losing to SNSD would be an honourable defeat for them. One has to admit, lose or win, they definitely got some good spotlight for their “moves”!

Interesting enough though, Secret Time (Secret’s fan club) seem to be cultivating high hopes for their girls based on the released track. I can’t say I blame them. It’s one toe tapping, hip shimmying, hair lashing blast of an infectious song. I’ve listened to it quite a bit myself and it kinda makes me want to get up and shake it! If there’s one thing I can say, the girls of Secret brought an A game to the table and have nothing to be ashamed of.

The drama continues however as also in the running to challenge the Princesses of Kpop are the former Queens of Kpop, The Wonder Girls! I must say I’m excited about this particular chapter in the drama. A noble story of kpop royalty and the struggle to regain that coveted throne of the no 1 girl group!

Both groups have a lot at stake as they have to reward the faithfulness of their respective fandoms by showing they can still deliver on what made them great.

Wonderfuls (the Wonder Girl fanclub) especially have something to be anxious about as their girls have been out of the game for years. Till recently, their activities were all based in the US and there is some sensitivity in their camp over the fact that they never quite blew up over there. This however in no way discounts them as a powerful contender from a very strong Company and with the plans they have in store for a US debut album whose release will coincide with TV Movie to air nationwide on Teen Nick; things may soon change!

I’m really excited to see what they come with. JYP has been dropping intriguing hints on Twitter and  the company’s official word on the album is :

“Since it’s the first album to be released after such a long time, we’re putting a lot of care into each and every song. We will work to bring out a great album and show an awesome image on a perfect stage. We ask for your support.”

(cr: AllKPop)

And on competing with SNSD:

“It’d be a lie if we said we’re not stressing over SNSD’s comeback. But because we’ll be standing in front of everyone after such a long period away, we’re concentrating more on bringing out a quality album.”

(cr: AllKPop)

The girls are rumoured to be leaving behind their trademark retro style and adopting a more pop look to compliment the style of their movie.  I stand beside Wonderfuls in looking forward to this come back. A group that inspires such an unshakable confidence in fans that have waited this long deserves respect!

And finally to add more sugar to all that spice, we are also expecting come backs from After School’s wildly successful sub-group Orange Caramel and from T-ara who actually already had a hit this summer with “Roly-Poly” and are currently making  rapid advances into Japan.

Back to SNSD; Sones are also another fandom that have unshakable confidence in their girls and the fact that they are one of the biggest fandoms in kpop is also something to respect.

The gorgeous girls of SoShi have already wowed people across the board with the elegant and more mature sexiness of their come back concept looks, a look that seems to announce they are ready to graduate from Princesses to Queens. They have also been dropping teasers for their title track “The Boys” which is said to have been produced by legendary US R&B producer, Teddy Riley. Newsey Blogs have it that SM (SNSD’s Company) plan to use this track to introduce the girls into the US (hence there is an English as well as a Korean version)and there has been much debate as to how successful they will be in that notoriously difficult market.

(Actually it’s officially a race now as to who will break successfully in the US first: 2ne1 with Will-I-Am? SNSD with Teddy Riley? Wonder Girls with the inroads they have already made and I suspect Timbaland which would be so awesome? The good thing is whoever makes it will be opening the door for everyone so there are no losers. Just bragging rights at stake here! Kk!)

The teasers released by SoShi which opens with an uncharacteristically fierce rapping verse and features the girls showing subtle sex appeal in dance moves have been loved by some while others are keeping their judgement till they see the whole video. I think I will be doing that too.

Between all this and Kara’s return from Japan earlier in the season with the successful “Step” as well as Brown Eyed Girls return with the Epic disco-licious “6th Sense,” I have to say that this is a pretty good time to be into Kpop!

Since at the end of everything, the winners are the fans I say – Let the Games Begin! KPop Girl Groups, HWAITING!^^

Enjoy Below Secret’s MV and SNSD’s Teasers!

Secret: “Love is Move”

SNSD: “The Boys” Teaser 1 (Eng.)

SNSD: “The Boys” Teaser 1 (Kor.)

SNSD: “The Boys” Teaser 2 (Eng)

SNSD: “The Boys” Teaser 2 (Kor)

I HATE THIS LOVE SONG!!!!!!!!!!><;; (8x)


Happy 1700 days since debut to my boys!!

Help trend Bigbang with #1700thlovesong!!!

More Spazzing ahead *w*

IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!

courtesy: 2ne1@YT

…And IT HURTS That I didn’t even know this came out on Oct 31st!!!

This is 2ne1’s way of saying Happy Halloween to Blackjacks!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! I haven’t even seen it! I’m just going to post it up and I hope I actually have time to look at it tomorrow or soon after!!!

But from a glance: Oh my God what an adorable Goth Lolli concept!!! Someone on the YouTube page said it’s Great Expectations inspired which makes it even more gorgeous to me! Lol!!

I am very pleeeezd about this because this is surprisingly (because I’m not into ballads) my fave song on the album!! CL and Minji show wonderful vocal versatility while my Bommie just kills it! Dara doesn’t get a very big part cos this song is a bit R&B for her vocal style but she’s there and still a part of the magic!^^

Happyyyyy!!! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!>u<!!!

Let’s Roll!!!!!!

Cute Nigerian Hip Pop Princess, Mo’Cheddah finally dropped her new album yesterday! It’s called Franchise Celebrity and has a very pop/electronic song with a very Nigerian flavour. I loves it to death! Lol!!

Here’s the Video for the lead single “Ko Ma Roll” which means “Let’s Roll”

Also gonna take this opportunity to big up my three young friends who have formed the Nigerian styling collective BuBaAi (like saying Buh – bye)!!!

These bold, new adventurers are bringing colour back into our world, one gauze ribbon at a time and I think their work is just adorable!

Had To Share!!!

I’m kind of on an impromptu hiatus for a number of reasons including work, fatigue and my new lappy spazzing out so bad that it takes a million years now to do the smallest things…

But cool things keep happening and when I saw this in particular I had to break cover and share! Lol!!!

Please view asap cos I don’t know if it will be gone soon! It’s 2ne1’s recording session with Will. I . Am!!! It’s off of 2ne1 TV (which I haven’t started cos I’m waiting on subs. I can’t believe how patient i”m being! Must be the fatigue =_=)

courtesy thinhee@yt

I havn’t even seen it yet. I’ve just been downloading vids to watch when my poor lappy feels better. So Se7en, I’ma get back to your cute behind on that MV ft your GF, don’t you worry.

And I hear you too Miss A!


THIS!!!! JUST –THIS!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, this is sooooooooo INTENSE!!!!!!!

And it’s sooooooooo about to be the most played track on my pod!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How did I not notice how well these two shout along songs that I love went together!!!! What an A- MAY-ZING Mashup!!!!

This awesome vid was done by Donfaustino2010 on Adobe Premiere. Freaking Genius!!!!!

Oh and btw, even though i loooove SuJu and this song, especially my darling Hee-nim, I have to be completely honest with you all and say I think that those ShiNee boys owned them in this particular instance!!

Please don’t hit me, ELFs!!!!

Se-Se7en and T.O.P!!!!

credit: ibigbang

Just saw the “Digital Bounce” Live M-Net performance.

I am speechless. In fact I am breathless.

YG has some of the SMEXIEST men in Korea! Cute with swagger for miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those SUITS!!! (I think TOP’s shirt under his jacket is Wire Mesh?) *_______*

And when Se7en takes off his shades I pretty much have a spazz attack. And then another one when TOP appears.

I’m fortunate to have survived this video so I encourage all fan girls to watch with extreme caution!

Lor’ take me now!

PS. Counting down to King Sukkie’s birthday, ladies! Save the date! August 4th!!!


credit: PopSeoul

And It Shall be Given Ye…

I asked and Uncle YG gave!^^

Spotted on Stella chan’s blog!!! **FanFare** SE7EN’S CONCEPT PICS!!!

See ’em and drool!!!

credit: Stella~chan

Se7en awesomely hot images!! I feel Like I should laugh like the Sesame St. Count! LOL!

Anyways I’m loving this bold idea. Something neo-punk and something cybertronic (is that a word? No? Oh.) Love it when beautiful people take risks and Se7en is definitely that! Even GD said so!. And this look really goes with the teaser that Uncle YG also generously provided us with:

credit: YG Entertainment

I think this is from a track called “Better Together”? I can’t explain it but I feel like I’m gonna like this song! It’s probably better not to speculate but I’m already looking forward to it!!! Please Uncle YG can we have it on itunes????

And now for the “My Cup Runneth Over” Section!!!

According to Pop Seoul, 2ne1TV is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^

Yes!!!! The girls are back with their reality TV show!! I Am tremendously happy about this because somehow I got totally addicted to it after discovering it on YT (along with BigBangTV and GDTV) and I’ve been suffering major cravings since finishing the 1st season! My favourite character is Park Bom!!! Oh, I love my Bommie!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ She’s the cutest most hilarious creature ever XD!!!

Here’s the preview:

credit: Nolja21subs

For all you lucky animals who can see it live, it premieres July 27th @ 6pm!

Didn’t I tell y’all that YG owns my Summer?