Category Archives: neogogochan

Breathing Deep…

cos I got a lot to say…


EDIT: and would you believe this is my 180th post???? (what the heck have I been writing??? (ohmygod, I’ve wasted me life! Lol!)

OK, Hiatus Over.

Why did I think I could stay away??

I miss my blog!

Hiatus is over!!

Now check out all the cool changes I made!

– New Pinky Header!

– Kinda New layout!

– New Awesome Pages

– All New Content!!

I’ll do a more detailed post later.

For now, I’m just going to bask in being back here! Lol!

I is back babeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stella’s Cafe: Chapter 7 is here!!!

Annyeonghaseyo!!! Chapter 7 of my Sukkie fanfic is now here!^^ Thank you for your patience! Please continue to support me as I work on chapter 8 which is an extra special one dedicated to my SeOul Sisters!!!

I’m also saying this only here. I think this story will come to it’s conclusion at chapter 10. It’s funny because when I first wrote it, it was a one off! But, Min Hee – yah’s story just kept on expanding as her fangirl love for Sukkie became real love! Hee!!!!

I hope we can reach a happy ending together! FIGHTING!!!

Getting Married – Y&B

(Y&B stands for Yegwa and me, Bibi aka Neogogo)

A million years ago (Nov 10th, 2008) I put up my first ever Sugarwater blog post. In those days the blog was on blogspot and it went a little something like this:

I’m a neogogo. And this blog is going to be about all the silly inconsequential stuff that we never talk about here. And by here I of course mean Nigeria.
As my header suggests, this will mainly consist of manga, gaming, foreign films and, since I don’t have a cat, my boyfriend.
Hope you like!

So many things have changed since then. My life, my interests, me – but this post is really just to talk about one particular change…my marriage!^^

For those who follow this blog (As BigBang said: “Thank you and you.”) you may have noticed that my posting went sort of downhill for the last several months. This was mainly because of the count down to my big day which was on Feb 12th. The funny thing is that I did mean to document the whole thing. I even took the pics! But at the end of the day the wedding was huger than me and took over completely and I was lucky to even find time to breath!

But at the end of the day it’s just cool to note that the person who started on this blog as my boyfriend and then became my fiance is now my hubby! 🙂

So without to much more ado here are some pics (Scanned and one’s I stole from friends on FB), my only regret is I gained all the weight I lost while I was actively working out (sigh) but all that withstanding, we had a pretty rocking time:

My Mom-in-Law on the left!

We are flanked by my Mom and Dad (sorry! So fuzzy!)

Our Civil Ceremony, bro-in-law, sis, me, hubby (we got married thrice!^^)

If you want to see what it was really like, I have bonus Videos!!!!!!! This was done for us by my bro-in-law who is a film maker in the UK (more on that later).

Part 1.

Part 2.

So many people suffered so we could have these moments. Our parents, our siblings, our relatives and our friends. I know we can never adequately thank everyone but we’ll keep trying anyway!

Finally, many people have asked me since getting back from our honeymoon (another post!) what it’s like to be married. To them I say, since Y and I worked together and were almost always in each other’s company before, the main difference now is that we live together in our own little place.^^ So for me marriage is kinda like before but now with sleep overs! hehe!

Hopefully I will be better at posting as I get my life back in control.

Still love u all madly.


New Chapter Alert…

I’m not even going to go in to how long it’s been or how much just really GREAT stuff I’ve missed covering and how many epic spazzes I’ve missed indulging in.
Let’s just say, it’s been a while, I’m married now (more on that laterz) and I wrote a new chapter for my Sukkie fan-fic!^^
Find it here.

Missed u madly.

Bringing Chap. 6 Home!^^

I’m late on this as usual! Miane! Gomenasai!!!

So I have added Chapter 6 to the fanfiction page and I’m trying to jumpstart chapter 7.

This poor blog has been so neglected!! So much wonderful Sukkie news and interesting things in kpop and none of it here! T.T

Sorry everyone. For now Neogogo has fallen ill. Somehow I managed to catch an interesting combination of upper respiratory tract infection and thyphoid! Buuuuu-uuuuuut – is a lot milder than it sounds. Only had the throw ups once and already feeling better, bit by bit. Hopefully will soon stop feeling tired all the time so I can get things done!

I think it was creeping up on me for a while and that’s why have been feeling so much fatigue lately? Well done my body for trying to fight it off by yourself and with no help from me, your owner!!! Lol!

Well, here’s hoping for better health and better time organisation so I can do my job and still feed my darling sugarwater blog!!!^^

Neogogo is Soooooo Tired

Between Bobs. So tired and it shows! =_=

(this is my second pass at this post. There’s been no power since yesterday so I did the first one from my BB but it spazzed and instead of publishing it, lost the entire post. The ENTIRE post. *sigh* Third world blues y’all.)

I’m having fatigue issues y’all but that doesn’t stop me from missing this blog. And I miss my Kpop too!!!

I was watching the 3rd episode of 2ne1 tv yesterday (Yup, all in Hangul too. I swear I’m beginning to pick it up!) and I just about died when they showed GD and Teddy jamming in a YG studio!!! Skinny Gorgeous GD baby in a typically stylish cap and Teddy Oppa, wrapped up like a mummy with only his cute, mischievous face showing (thug life, baby!) SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!>< And I think we got a preview of BB’s comeback song? If so, the sound is madly sexy and I fully approve!!!!!

(Screencaps cos it’s been a while and you deserve ’em)

Where I want to be (See space between Teddy and GD)

Oppa is so talented!!! *___*

Thug <333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lips, throat...mph!

He. Is. Tryna. Kill. Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's Singing! *sigh* Look at those cheek bones! *melts*

Throw ur BigBang gang sign, boo!

Oh but I’m loving the second season of 2ne1 TV even without the subtitles!! YG Ahjussi is the best for giving us this show! The girls are adorable and there’s so much interaction within the YG family which is just AWSOME!!! I love when GD makes fun of everyone’s choreography! I love how you could see different YG members in the audience at Taeyang’s solar concert (that choked me up a little! Lol!) In episode 3, Se7en-nim describes Minji’s turn in the “Can’t Nobody” MV as “Ero Minji” which made me almost fall out of my chair! For any true YG fan, this show is COMPULSORY WATCHING!!!!!!

(Moments from Eppy 3)

Rolling with my homies! The girls in LA!

He got teary at the end! Young-baeeeeee T.T!!!!

Bommie torturing her trainer! Lol!

And I have to say that I’m completely gay for 2ne1 girls! I just cannot express how utterly cute they are to me! And you all should know by now that I’m a complete sucker for cute. Yup. Can’t resist it, period.

And everyday my rankings for them changes. Today it’s: Bom, Minji, CL and Dara (wait, wasn’t that it yesterday too?<<). Anyway, it’s not that Dara is my least favourite, it’s more like I have extra soft spots for Bom and Minji and CL is just the BOSS!!!!!!!! In the show, I think Will. I. Am. liked CL and Minji best. He shook everyone’s hands but then he grabs CL and hugs her! And then he kept going “Minji!!” in this funny voice! Lol! I’m pretty sure he was hit by the cute too!

But enough with the fan girling. I had to get my behind over to the Club (like a country club not a night club!) so I could charge my batteries enough to make this post. I’m happy to say I’ve been a good little fan-girl and have been working on chapter 6 of my fanfic. Because of the power situation I’ve had to resort to the ancient methods of pen and paper which was kind of interesting. Haven’t done that since high school, really! Lol!

Anyway, now that I’m here, maybe I’ll transcribe. I’m really aiming to finish up by this weekend so please wish me luck.

Finally, it was my real live sweetie’s birthday on Oct 6th, so just want to say to the only man more beautiful than idols to me: Sang il chukhae hamnida! Sarangheo!

PS: Ooh almost forgot. Has anyone read this manhwa called 100% Perfect Girl by Wann? It starts with a quote from a Haruki Murakami short story? I’m reading it now and let me tell you it took me by surprise! I was expecting a sweet, funny and light love story because that’s what it looks like and starts like but boy! Was I wrong! What I’m getting is a disturbing, dark, twisted obsession story. Oh such a happy surprise! This is delicious dark chocolate! A perfect guilty pleasure read! Lol! (Yes, I’m mildly depraved, but we still love me, right?^^)


Gomenasai!! Miane!!! Chap. 5 is here!!!

Just realized I haven’t uploaded the last chapter (chap 5) of my fanfic on the blog yet and it’s loooong overdue!!!  So embarrassing! Please forgive m( _  _ )m

Its there now! In this chapter the heroine finally gets to be with her Prince outside the cafe!!

If you havn’t read it yet, hope you like!!

Read Fanfic.


First it was cos I got BURIED @ work, but now its cos I forgot to renew my internet.
Cos I was BURIED @ work! Lol!
Anyways, these r emotional times. My sister who has also been my roomie for the last hundred years (give or take a year or two) left for post grad last wednesday. I miss her dreadfully. In fact I still keep forgetting she’s gone.
But on the up side, I have my own apartment till I get married (which is looking like February). Been reorganising the place all day. Spreading out so to speak.^^
Today I felt like being in Paris so I played my french playlist and lit a cigarette. My sis would’ve liked that^_^. No wine though. I should stock up!
Gonna bring chap 5 of Stella’s Cafe (my fanfic) on the blog as soon as I can get on line so pls look out for it.

No Power!!

3rd world woes!!! Having managed to maintain a semi decent 2ne1 countdown, I’m gonna miss the main event of launching the new vid due out later today because of double whammy bad luck coincidence.
1. Random Powercut (dunno when it will come back)
2. After running on my batteries all evening I left my power cord @ fiancees house so even if power returns can’t do nothing about it.
Really wanted to be part of 2ne1 global celebration:(
Ooh! And the girls have trended twice on twitter since yesterday!!!!
Cool beans for them. Sux biggie for me. T.T
Update: Seems this is tradition with me and highly anticipated stuff. Just noticed I posted Taeyang stuff from BB too. Lol!