Category Archives: bishounen

The Joy of Sukkie-ness.

(credit:  Can’t remember source for any of the images! Miahne!)

This time last year I was a baby jangeo (eel aka fan of Jang Keun Suk/Sukkie). I remember basking in post YAB  (The Korean series You Are Beautiful/He is Beautiful) afterglow and hoarding information, images and video footage of my brand new idol like mad (as every fan girl must.) I remember I wrote a post about how I discovered him and everything that I thought was so wonderful about him.

I can scarcely believe its been more than a year. Thinking about that made me think I ought to do a bit of a retrospective.

I have changed and grown in this year but it seems I still love my Sukkie! ^^ The interesting thing is, I think he has changed and grown even more than I have.

Of course, the core things I love about him are still there. He’s still this beautiful boy/man full of precocious energy and charm. His smile and his laugh are still infectious and his voice still bone melting. He’s still almost compulsively watchable both on and behind the scenes.

His popularity has grown phenomenally in this past year and his schedule has become more punishing including just scads of campaigns and adverts, a TV series, multiple fan concerts around asia as JKS and as part of DJ Party “Lounge H,” and a record breaking, chart topping debut album for an artiste that is not even a singer. It’s almost scary seeing how the crowds have doubled then tripled in just 1 year at his events. I realize that I found him just as the upward curve of his popularity began (*sighs* remember when it was like he was just ours! Huc! Bittersweet T-T).

He used to laughingly say he wanted to take over the world and now I have to say, he seems to have conquered at least a good piece of Asia. There’s almost no part of the continent where you wouldn’t find someone that knows of him. This is due partly to the Hallyu Wave which is still an ongoing cultural phenomenon around the world.  Korea has created a niche for itself in creating addictive dramas and Pop songs populated by some of the most beautiful people in the world! Due to Hallyu Wave the internet is full of Korean pop culture that has garnered many international fans.

But I think thats only part of it. The rest is fascination. I believe Sukkie has characteristics that just fascinate people. It’s his physical appearance; an almost feminine beauty yet undeniably masculine aura (like a shoujo manga bishounen come to life), it’s the crazy and often times questionable dressinge. It’s how he’s a complete mixture of boy and man. It’s how he gives interviews so well that you forget how young he really is! It’s the way he always seems to be giving his all without any reservations. It’s the famously strong relationship he continues to maintain with his jangeos and the way he handles the growing attention and pressure on him with grace, patience, cheerfulness and often times a large streak of despotic mischief. And even these descriptions don’t quite capture it I think.

The last two characteristics continue to be my favourite, though. I love how he handles his fans. In his Princedom (and make no mistake, it is a prinicipality and he is a Regent in residence that rules  with a firm but humerous hand) he has turned his fans into his playmates, his confidantes, his partners in crime (when it comes to getting things he wants from Mama Jang) his dongsaengs (when fans have misbehaved and must be scolded), his creative partners, and ultimately, that friend you talk about films, books and music with far into the night. He is a natural nurturer and has carefully groomed the relationship over the years starting from when they were just a few to now when they are thousands upon thousands. This is why his fans can’t leave him alone.

He is currently a big hit in Japan and the videos below attempt to define what it is that captures us so much about him:

Sukkiri 1

Sukkiri 2

It’s true of course that not everyone sees him this way.

My cousin who is also into korean and japanese stuff is more into more overtly masculine types like Lee Byung Hun and Oh Ji Ho ( and Lord knows I don’t blame her! hubba hubba!!!) and she said to me she feels Sukkie looks like an underfed woman.

I thought about it and I realized that I had also thought that (maybe in kinder words, hehe!) on one or two occasions due to one look or the other. And other eels have actually said it every now and then: Wow, he looks like an ahjumma or OMG he’s prettier than me or Omo! I thought that was a girl…!

And yet does it make sense that we love him even with that? It seems to me like it’s part of that magnetic pot pourri that is him. Because of it, even when we wander away to our other biases or discover new ones, we always, always find ourselves coming back.

Endlessly fascinated by our Sukkie.


gghggyccdsfc yaaaaaerthrfkygulvf luftthhhhhhftkfd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omomomomomomomomo!!!!!!!!!!! O.O


SUKKIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *___________* <3<3<3

He’s the CUTEST EVAH!!!!! BOW BEFORE HIS SUKKIENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!

Credit: shiro401@soompie via Geun Sama’s Cyworld

Fanfic Update and Hot Suk Sunday!!! ^^

I’ve put up Chapter 4 of  my Sukkie fanfic, “Stella’s Cafe”!!!!!

Can’t believe I’m on chapter 4 already and currently working on chapter 5! Who knows how long this thing plans to be? =_=;

Oh well, I’m having a great time writing it so I hope you’re having as good a time reading it :DDD!

So I can’t leave without mentioning that apparently today is Hot Suk Sunday because the japanese magazine Hot Chili Paper just released a photo editorial of his Sukkieness that is just SMOKING!!! We might seriously have to change his title to his royal SMEXINESS!!! LOL!

credit: as tagged + tdedie@baidu via Sear’s Blog

This one was my fave just because of the smile ^_____^ You can See more of this amazingness at Sears Blog!

As if this wasn’t enough, heroic eel shiro401 has managed to track down the behind the scenes of the photoshoot!

There are no words to express the mix of adorable and hotness contained herein. It is just *__________*

EDIT: Here’s the 2nd part.  WARNING: This is probably going to put you all in hospital.

No. Words.



I just really need to thank the eels that take the time to find this stuff and then post it up for all of us to share and kya-ah and nose bleed over. You guys are lovely and surely have a high place in Sukkie heaven!^^

Hah. Happy Eel signing off.

Se-Se7en and T.O.P!!!!

credit: ibigbang

Just saw the “Digital Bounce” Live M-Net performance.

I am speechless. In fact I am breathless.

YG has some of the SMEXIEST men in Korea! Cute with swagger for miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those SUITS!!! (I think TOP’s shirt under his jacket is Wire Mesh?) *_______*

And when Se7en takes off his shades I pretty much have a spazz attack. And then another one when TOP appears.

I’m fortunate to have survived this video so I encourage all fan girls to watch with extreme caution!

Lor’ take me now!

PS. Counting down to King Sukkie’s birthday, ladies! Save the date! August 4th!!!

In a K-Pop Kinda Mood

Things have been kind of slow for me in Kpop-dom and busy in the real world.

Hence the silence. :”) Sorry!

But I’ve been up to a few things.

Chapter 4 of my Sukkie fanfic is one of them. Making songs on garage band is another!

Yup. I have just discovered the joy of garage band and I’m like a baby that just discovered its bellybutton! I’m sorry but this is something I will probably be sharing with you in the near future! Hehe! Especially since I did a song for Sukkie’s birthday (August 4th). I will be launching it here on that day so be prepared for amateur hour on Sugarwater!!!!

Anyways, I spent a lot of time waiting today and suddenly got into such a KPop mood that I started uploading images I’ve scrounged off the internet over the past months to my FB just because I wanted to spread the love.

Love of my K-boys and girls so to speak.

Wanna see my current favourites?

Okay starting with the boys:

1. Sukkie:

The absolute King of my fan girl heart who beat out all my other fan girl passions in the space of one drama, (You’re Beautiful): Jang Geun Suk!!!!! I’ve already written the history of how I became a crazy Sukkie fan girl so I won’t write it here. I will just say King Suk continues to reign supreme. He is more beautiful and funny and crazy and passionate and enchanting with each day. He just radiates life and energy!!! If you don’t love Sukkie you should love him already!!! Watch one of his dramas or movies! Check out any of his tons of video footage, listen to one of his songs! I know I’m completely biased but Sukkie is love and you’re supposed to share love so SUKKIE FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. G-Dragon:

The Swag, The Fashion, the Ghetto Engrish, the Horny Lyrics, The Angelic hotness, what on earth is there not to love about GD??? He is one of my top Sukkie anti-dotes (for when Sukkie fervour becomes too intense) and that means he’s pretty powerful stuff. I first got curious about him not cos of his music (which I hadn’t heard) but because I kept seeing comments comparing him to Sukkie (his smile especially). I was like, “what impertinence” and looked him up and then I was like, “hm…interesting.” Then several videos later I was his. Completely. I love him as a Kpop boy but I also love and respect him as an artist and entertainer. Blond, red haired, poumpadoured, preppy, punk, psychadelic, murderous, ghetto, Pimped, Princely, funky, nerdy, silly, gay, diva, leader, bad-ass, sexy, goofy, etc, I love every GD there is!!! Like I said, what’s not to love???

3. TOP (TABI):

It’s terrible to love two men from the same group as much as I love GD and TOP but what can I do? I literally see one then forget the other till I see him again! It is impossible to choose between them because If I had GD, I would be cheating with TOP on the side and vice-versa. I wouldn’t mean to hurt them but what else can I do!!!!!! TT.TT

TOP is just so damn hot! It’s wonderful because he’s pretty much hot despite himself. TOP in real life is a complete goofball with a passion for toys and loud suits and accessories. But God gave him those eyes, those brows and that smirk. He also gave him that voice! With those weapons of mass fan girl destruction, (and he has this lazy, peek-a boo dimple that plays now u see me, now you don’t ><) it is no wonder that I’m cheating with Sukkie and GD with him.

No, but for real, TOP is fine. I’m waiting for him to get confident enough in his body to start showing us a little more skin! It was so frustrating in the Turn It Up video when he wore that bathrobe that was almost strangling him. He should take a leaf from Sukkie’s book. Wear your bath robe loosely belted. Then do cart wheels.

4. Rain:

What? You thought it would be Taeyang? I know I spazz about him and I think he is amazingly adorable and that he should conquer the world and NO ONE can lie on the floor and roll their hips like he can….but, when it comes down to my personal, personal favourites, he’s actually a bit further down the list. Seriously. I don’t think I would date him so much as mess around with him.

Now Rain on the other hand… Rain is …is….there are really no words for Rain. Just pictures. Glorious, glorious pictures. He is the perfect physical specimen and Governments round the world should seriously make sure they have copies of his DNA because if things go belly up for humanity, he’s the way we want to re-boot! UNF!!!!

5. Kim Hee Chul-nim:

I think by now you will have noticed I like most of my boys FULLY in touch with their feminine sides. I’m not sure why. Maybe I’m latently gay? Who knows, I just know I prefer my guys slender, love it when their looks though masculine puts girls to shame, love a man who crosses his legs when he sits (I’m weird! I know!) and can wear a blouse better than you can and is very aware of it!

This is why Hee-nim aka Dangerous Cinderella of Super Junior is one of my favourites!!! To me he is the ultimate diva of the k-pop world and anyone who can french kiss his group members in public with as much bold relish as he does is a keeper for me!!!

Plus he’s friends with Sukkie!

Love u Hee-nim <3<3<3

6. Teddy:

My fangirl crush on Teddy, formerly of 1tym and currently hot YG producer developed behind my back and caught me unawares. It started with wondering who the hottie with the spiky mohawk in Taeyang’s “where U at” MV was to where I now actually Squee every time his name comes up.

Why do I like him? It’s a combo of things. He’s definitely not my bishounen type. More of a thug type, really. Reminds me of my thug love phase in Uni (fufufu). He’s super cute (he has a quirky smile), I love his hiphop swag and I love his flow. In a word: Smexy.

Just wish he wasn’t probably the one that taught T.O.P to cover up!!!

7. Junsu:

the most adorable k-boy alive in my opinion. I have mentioned before that I find him completely ravishable and this remains true. Something about him makes you want to just jump him and leave him in serious disarray. His beauty, his crazy laugh, his A-MAYzing vocals, his stage presence – I blame stella-chan for the sweet tooth I have for him!^^

8. Taecyeon:

This one is a really a guilty pleasure since I’m not even strictly fan of 2pm. What I’m a fan of are his abs, his dimples and the cute pics he keeps putting up on twitter (yes, I’m stalking him on twitter). Don’t have too much to say about him as I’ve only recently accepted that I’m into him! Lol!

Oh, my. This post has grown quite epic! And I haven’t even done Jaejoong or Taeyang or any girls!!! I may have to continue this later! That is if I can! I’m still thinking to my no promises thing! Kekeke!

INAG: GD Baby Focus!!!!!! XD

I was going to tack this on to my last post just so I could kill a bunch of birds with one stone. But then i thought: It’s GD Baby! And No one puts GD Baby in a corner!! (or at the end of a post about something else!!! Lol!)

So here are my lovingly captured GD moments from Taeyang’s I Need A Girl video.

And my favourite sequence!!!!

This is almost too much charisma/sexiness/swagga!!!!! Nobody can tell me G-Dragon isn’t a pimp.

I’m just sayin’.

(PS. Boy, I really want to caption these! But I’ve learned my lesson. No promises. But I will if I can !^^)

Sukkie Magic!!!!

courtesy: shiro401

okay I believe I promised a spazz about Sukkie’s Samsung Yepp “Magic Drag” CF.

Well first of all, this CF (commercial film) just confirmed what eels have known for ages: that Sukkie has magical powers!

Of course he does!!! How else does he have so many usually practical minded (okay I don’t fall into that category) noonas and ahjummas completely hypnotized and hanging on his every gesture?

He’s not even a pop idol (except when he is playing a member of A.N.Jell) and yet we flock to see his concerts and have developed a strong taste for his voice (both singing and talking). From one acting role to the next he makes himself completely disappear and creates unforgettable and charismatic characters that make you wish that particular movie or show will never end!

He is a DJ/Rock Star/Accomplished Actor/Seoul Ambassador/Talented MC/Active Student Leader/Model/Singer/Chef/Virtual Boyfriend to every Eel on the planet and he’s barely 23!

The answer to how he does it all is, of course, Sukkie Magic and finally we see it captured! Lol!

I love this CF because it was full of what I was hoping for most: Sukkie Smiles X)))

Here are my best ones in all their glory!!!!:

The “pleezed bcos he knows ur spazzing over this CF” Smile!

The “Yes, he knows it’s Lady Hair just like You know he’s Rocking the Hell out of it” smile!

The “Can a Mother say No to this face???” Smile. Mama Jang is a strong Lady!!!!

The “Will u wear this top my beautiful, ultra talented, magical fingers made for you???” Smile^^

The “I’m wearing an outfit that might be fabricated from Toilet Paper and -Yepp, still hot!” Smile! (Naughty Eels wish it was really Toilet Paper!)

The “I’ll take you to the Climax (See Lyrics)” Smile. More of a smirk really! *hyperventilates*

The Secret Smile! XD

As you might have realized, The CF caught only some of the truth. His Fingers have some of the magic but his SMILE!!!! Lordy, but that boy got witch craft in that smile! O.O

Now, I wasn’t just ogling the vid! I actually listened to the track too!^^

I like the song though predictably I wish it had even more of Sukkie than it does. When he comes in with that verse at 02:22 that was such a squeal moment for me!!!! His voice was autotuned but it suited the way it was sung and it was so fab!!! He is teh HOTNESS!!!! Why doesn’t he just release an album already, dammit!!!

Anyways, my other fave moments from the CF.

Showing us the Finger! Lol!

1st Rule of Magic: Be Insanely Cute!

Keun Sama’s Cameo!!! Keun Sama is my secret affair! SHHHHH!! <_<

Why don’t you like me, Hyorin?? Is it the Harem? Cos I’m not giving up the Harem.

No comments really on the Sistar girl, Hyorin wassit? Sorry Aghassi! I kind of didn’t have time to notice you. Your co-star is waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too distracting. Goodluck with your debut!

Now here are the lyrics courtesy of  Headstrong_Princess @ Soompi

Hey DJ, Bring the beat Oh
Turn it up now
Hey DJ, Give it to me now
Ooh, I like, I like it

Hey DJ, Bring the beat Oh
Turn it up now
Hey DJ, Give it to me now
Ooh, I like, I like it

Yepp, baby baby Yepp! Oh!
Baby, baby girl Oh! Hey, shawty
(Don’t think, Just drag it)
Yepp, baby baby Yepp! Oh!
Baby, baby girl Oh! Show me now
(Drag it, Just drag it)

So amazing, so simple (Yepp!)
What you gotta do is drag, Just drag it, Baby
Bokjapan geon Stop, Just like music
Mami ganeundaero Feel daero Just come and say hello
Neukkimeun So fantastic, Feel the static
Jigeumbuteo neon nae Addict, That’s it

Ni Style nan jo a Oh nae mam nan molla
Mae il bam tteo olla Do it, do it, do it, do it
Ni Style nan jo a Oh nae mam nan molla
Mae il bam tteo olla Do it, do it, do it, do it

Yepp, baby baby Yepp! Oh!
Baby, baby girl Oh! Hey, shawty
(Don’t think, Just drag it)
Yepp, baby baby Yepp! Oh!
Baby, baby girl Oh! Show me now
(Drag it, Just drag it)

Life is like a music, Life is like a magic
Life is like a music, Life is like a magic

Baby I’m a hot gadget (Yepp!)
Jwa uro Just drag it
Nolrapji Just like magic, magic (Yepp!)
Make you feel high like galactic
Niga eopneun nan machi Music eopneun sal
Machi byeori eopneun bam I’ll take you to the climax

Repeat *#

Neon holttak banal geol jeongsineul ireul geol
Neon wanjeon michil geol Yepp baby, yepp baby
Neon holttak banal geol jeongsineul ireul geol
Neon wanjeon michil geol Yepp baby, yepp baby

Credit: (Source)
Romanization by: headstrong_princess@soompi

In case you somehow missed it, His Sukkieness has informed us that 1. He is a “Hot Gadget” (Agree) that 2. Makes you feel high like galactic (not sure what this means but Agree) and 3. He’ll take you to the Climax (*dies*)

Alright, this epic spazz is over!

Are there African Bishounen?

This is a question that my significant other, Y, and I have pondered awhile.

We’ve tried many time to come up with examples (Maxwell? Tyson Beckford? Prince???) but none seemed to satisfy that unique criteria that made up that category the japanese so aptly named bishounen. Despite the fact that willowy male physiques are not foreign to Africa we could not place one single public figure that looked like he could have stepped out of the pages of a shoujo manga.

That is, we couldn’t until now.

I have to thank Gamine for this because it was a post she made on FB that led me to this amazing discovery.

People, the answer to the question is YES. Not only are there African bishounen, apparently there is a NIGERIAN bishounen.


From Fashion Spot thread.

From Black Super Models Chronicles.

From Black Super Models Chronicles.

From Black Super Models Chronicles.  From Fashion Spot thread.

From Fashion Spot thread.

This is is Ty Ogunkoya.

He’s Nigerian and he’s very much a Bishounen.

Kimi Wa Petto, Sukkie and the Noonas.

If you’re familiar with Kimi wa Petto and also with Jang Keun Suk, then I probably don’t need to follow up my post header with an article. This smilie should suffice:


But I’ll do the article anyway.

Fangirl world is a mystical place.

It all started with the josei manga “kimi wa petto” (by Yayoi Ogawa) which has been on my must read list for the looooongest time. It’s a story about a beautiful, independent career woman with a not so great life who finds an injured bishounen and adopts him as her pet. For goodness sake, the first chapter of this manga is called ‘How to Raise a Bishounen” so anyone that knows me immediately gets this book was obviously written for me, right?

Only thing is fate keeps me and this manga apart. Every time I want to start it I’m having an internet blackout period or I’m completely buried at work. So years pass by and I more or less forget about it.

Then this year I discover (as the Taiwanese Press call him) Korean flower boy Jang Keun Suk or (as international fans like to call him) Sukkie. After seeing most of his work and more or less binging on his media exposure I immediately transformed into a shameless fangirl of what would be referred to in Korea as the Noona variety.  And I quickly found out I was not alone. Most of the other shameless Noona fangirls out there seemed to be thinking the same thing. We would adopt Sukkie as a pet in a second.

Then when Sukkie (calculatedly?) expressed the desire to act the role of a young man in love with a noona, after much waaaaaaahhhhhing!!! and kyaaaaaaaaaaaaing!!!, visions of kimi wa petto danced before our eyes and some of us even dared to hope that  we may see with our eyes what our minds had long fantasized.

But it had already been announced that the show was going to be remade in Korea and that precious role was to go to  cute Kim Hyun Joong of Kpop boygroup SS501. So the truth was we were being unrealistic.

But then this morning, like our cups of joy were not already full from images and footage of Sukkie’s truimphant fan meet in Taiwan, the news arrived and our cups officially runneth over!!! Lol!

Sukkie will be Momo (the pet bishounen) and all is right with the world.

He’s already been playing with the mop like hairdo. We know he has the acting chops and the charisma to pull off the role though the general consensus is that he has big shoes to fill in following Matsumoto Jun’s reportedly outstanding performance in the japanese dorama version. My only worry is the ballet but we’ll see, I guess.

I’m reading the manga now and will follow up with the dorama then i don’t know what I’ll do to contain my anticipation!!! I guess go on forums and natter on endlessly about it.

But for now, I am purring in contentment.:3

UPDATE: Wow! Almost forgot to mention. The sensational news was broken by the dramabeans blog, a good source of all things Kpop and Dorama!

"You’re Beautiful" or My name is Neogogo and I’m a Suki-holic!

For some reason, this year, I’ve really been all about doramas as well as K and J movies. Despite all odds (that’s my country; All Odds) I managed to watch a few which fed the craving but also encouraged it. They really are like good chocolate!

Anyway, I plan to write reviews of all of them overtime so anyone can decide if they want to see them too, but this post in particular is dedicated to the K-dorama, “You’re Beautiful,” which just finished airing on Korean TV, end of last year (Also sometimes known as He’s Beautiful or She’s Handsome).

(bottom right is actress Park Shin Hye! You could tell, right?)

Like most doramas, this one flows like a shoujo manhwa (I say manhwa as opposed to mangas cos the Korean stuff has a sense of humour that I feel is a lot closer to ours and some of that is evident in the show.) It’s a gender-crossing romantic comedy starring cute, multi-talented Park Shin Hye as a Novice (about to be a nun) who has to fill for her identical twin brother as a new member of the hottest, boy band in the country, A.N.Jell.

(“Boys” of A.N.Jell)

Her brother is of course absent for most of the show and we get to watch Shin Hye’s hilarious attempts to keep her gender a secret from the rest of the band and it’s management team. Attempts which mostly fall apart by episode 2. The cuteness factor is ramped up by how adorable she looks in her boy disguise most of the time and her and the rest of the boys’ androgynous wardrobe is actually worth watching the show for. That and the love rectangle!

But the real reward for watching this show is its lead bishounen, the ridiculously charismatic, real life idol, Jang Geun Suk (or Jang Keun Suk) who’se image is currently gracing my laptop’s desktop. He plays the character of cold, arrogant and anal retentive band leader, Hwang Tae Kyung and he plays it with aplomb!

It’s funny because when I first started the show, I didn’t think he was that cute. He was always sneering, smirking or just looking pissed off. I liked Kang Shin Woo (the sweet and sensitive type back up guitarist) and “Jeremy” (the blond quirky drummer) better. But I was very fascinated by his ultra, ultra bishounen idol hair and wardrobe and I also loved his walk or, for lack of a better term, swagger.

(sure she doesn’t look much like our idea of a boy. But in Asia, few boy idols do ^-^)

As the show proceeded and he and Go Mi Nam’s (Park Shin Hye’s) relationship grew, my admiration for this actor seriously climbed. He managed to bring an unbelievable amount of charisma and humour to a very bitter and anal character so much so that by the middle of the show, I had eyes for no one but this arrogant bastard. And when he finally smiled……..HUGE pay off!!!!!!!!

(me? bitter? anal? A behind the scene smile from Sukkie.
Watch the show to see the one there ;))

That’s why I’m currently a Suki-holic. I think he’s filled up the sad space in my fan girl heart that Tony Leung left and since he’s just 22, he’ll probably be there for a while! ^________^

Despite his age, Geun Suk has charmed the ladies via TV and Movies for the last 18 years. I had seen him in Do Re Mi So Fa Ti La Do where he was also a musician in a band before this Show but I didn’t even know it was him because he looked and seemed so different. The charm and the huge performance were the same though prompting me to feel that this guy is really someone to watch out for.

In addition to his acting career he is a musician, a DeeJay and a hawt model. What more could a girl ask for in a real live bishounen, I ask you?

(Multi-talented Seuk on the Turn Tables!)

Anyways, look for Jang Geun Suk in You’re Beautiful, Beethoven Virus, DoReMiSoFaTiLaDo, Baby and Me and The Itaewon Murder Case, his latest and most gritty to date (goodbye squeaky clean, idol image). Also catch the songs he’s done for Promotional purposes. You won’t believe how catchy and listenable they are, kinda like Black Eyed Peas! Currently on repeat on my mp3 player: “Drag,” “Toucholic” and “Black Engine.”

(Images from “Toucholic” (Sukiholic? Geddit?) and Black Engine Vids)

This guy is my favourite right now and if you check out his stuff, I’m pretty sure he’ll be your favourite too!

Eh-to…atashi-wa, Neogogo-chan. Suki-holic desu!

My Screen Caps from the Show

(Discover the Mystery of Pig Rabbit!)

(Hyung-nim does not like to be touched)

(My favourite hairstyle. Bishounelicious!)

**Disclaimer: Most of these images were pilfered from sites giving news of or praise to Geun Suk. I am very grateful to them for their work but I have lost the credits and I hope they will forgive me for reusing these pics pleeeeeeeeeeze! Just trying to spread the love on my side of the globe! Go Fighting Eels!! ^_^;;