Category Archives: Uncategorized

I Think This Might Be A Sign…

The fact that I got hacked…
And that I haven’t done a new post in forever…

I really didn’t want to end this. I haven’t even finished my fanfic. But I have to own up that Sugarwater’s time seems to be already behind me because I am changing and it’s past time to re-invent myself.

So many years. So many adventures. Do I still love all the things I spoke about in my about page? Gaming? Anime? Doramas? Kpop? I must say some of my tastes have refined over the years.

But more importantly my life is expanding so much that they do not occupy as a big a space in me heart as they once did. Buut I am still fond of this world and I will never forget how much joy it gave me at a time when I felt like I really needed it.
I don’t think I will ever leave it completely.

I don’t know if there will be another post after this. Maybe when I create a new blog, my final post will be directing anyone who even reads this to it.

To everyone who read, especially to those who commented and even more especially to those who reached out in friendship –

and a million sugary hugs and kisses!^______________________^!!!!


Breathing Deep…

cos I got a lot to say…


EDIT: and would you believe this is my 180th post???? (what the heck have I been writing??? (ohmygod, I’ve wasted me life! Lol!)


They’ve had such a TOUGH year and I’m so glad we could do this for them! And Oh my God, they are the first winners ever for this category!!! We made HISTORY!!!


BigBang Spotlight for the MTV EMAs

Wonder Girls say “Be My Baby!”

Oh my God, do you like it??

I did! It’s so bouncy and boppable just like Move was so shakeable and the vocals were unique and kept it interesting. Cool rap bridge too.

Though I still feel there is a definite retro flavour to it but since it’s not in a costumey way *shrugs* I think it’s okay. I guess you could it call it a clasic feel and that’s their thing.

Anywayz is there an english version for this? Is it going to be in their US movie? So many questions!

Wonderfuls must be so proud!^^

Girls Generation Brought the Boys Out!!!

Check the ladies out! Are things heating up or what???

SNSD: The Boys (Eng Ver)

SNSD: The Boys (Kor ver)

The girls are trending worldwide! Join the fun #GirlsGenerationDay

OK, Hiatus Over.

Why did I think I could stay away??

I miss my blog!

Hiatus is over!!

Now check out all the cool changes I made!

– New Pinky Header!

– Kinda New layout!

– New Awesome Pages

– All New Content!!

I’ll do a more detailed post later.

For now, I’m just going to bask in being back here! Lol!

I is back babeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Officially on Hiatus

Whenever I’m away for a while, which I know is most of the time now *sheepish**sheepish* I always forget how much I enjoy blogging.

I mean I enjoy the other sharing platforms like twitter, FB and tumblr and also the various fan forums and chatboxes, etc I’ve stumbled into over my last couple of years of interwebbing.

But I have really loved blogging and this silly little sporadic blog named sugarwater which is in actuality the most succesful diary I have ever kept.

I don’t want to stop.

I just want to officially say I am on hiatus from the interwebs for a while so I can do some aggressive writing but I will try and check back here once in a while just so the thread of my whims continues to be documented.

I just wont be reporting on the things this blog has been about so far: my kpop, dramas, asian movies, mangas and mahnwas (and recently webtoons which are kinda like korean online comics with THE BEST STORIES EVER!!!!!!!), the occasional game that I have not completed (yes FFX, u are still my Moby Dick) and my darling Sukkie.


Sad already.

I wanted to spazz here about 2ne1’s comeback and 2nd mini album which may as well have been written specifically for me, and 2ne1TV season 3 which is now broadcasting worldwide and how my love for the girls has just grown in leaps and bounds (and Bom is my everlasting bias as in I could be Bi for her but I still love CL, Minji and Dara) and how all their live stages were just fabulous and how much I wish I could go to their concert and yell NOLJA while waving their light stick in one hand and Bommie’s name on a cardboard corn cob in the other!

I wanted to cry here about what happened to Daesung and express my disappointment at how cruel people could be about it cos it wasn’t them or anyone they knew and they were anonymous and I wanted to pray for healing for him and the family of the deceased and for the boys of Big Bang who have inspired me so much since I started to follow their career and became a VIP and especially for Kwon Leadah who I greatly admire though he is much younger than me and who shaved off all his hair and has made me forever nosebleed.

I’ve read quite a few amazing manga/mahnwa titles. Old and new. Actually quite a lot. I can’t even list them anymore. I am so grateful to scanlation groups.

So much, so much to talk about but no time at all.


I am hoping now to spend some of the time I won’t be using here to do something constructive that I can show one day with pride right here.

So please be patient with me as I turn inwards and work on bringing you stuff from me.


m(_ _)m

The Joy of Sukkie-ness.

(credit:  Can’t remember source for any of the images! Miahne!)

This time last year I was a baby jangeo (eel aka fan of Jang Keun Suk/Sukkie). I remember basking in post YAB  (The Korean series You Are Beautiful/He is Beautiful) afterglow and hoarding information, images and video footage of my brand new idol like mad (as every fan girl must.) I remember I wrote a post about how I discovered him and everything that I thought was so wonderful about him.

I can scarcely believe its been more than a year. Thinking about that made me think I ought to do a bit of a retrospective.

I have changed and grown in this year but it seems I still love my Sukkie! ^^ The interesting thing is, I think he has changed and grown even more than I have.

Of course, the core things I love about him are still there. He’s still this beautiful boy/man full of precocious energy and charm. His smile and his laugh are still infectious and his voice still bone melting. He’s still almost compulsively watchable both on and behind the scenes.

His popularity has grown phenomenally in this past year and his schedule has become more punishing including just scads of campaigns and adverts, a TV series, multiple fan concerts around asia as JKS and as part of DJ Party “Lounge H,” and a record breaking, chart topping debut album for an artiste that is not even a singer. It’s almost scary seeing how the crowds have doubled then tripled in just 1 year at his events. I realize that I found him just as the upward curve of his popularity began (*sighs* remember when it was like he was just ours! Huc! Bittersweet T-T).

He used to laughingly say he wanted to take over the world and now I have to say, he seems to have conquered at least a good piece of Asia. There’s almost no part of the continent where you wouldn’t find someone that knows of him. This is due partly to the Hallyu Wave which is still an ongoing cultural phenomenon around the world.  Korea has created a niche for itself in creating addictive dramas and Pop songs populated by some of the most beautiful people in the world! Due to Hallyu Wave the internet is full of Korean pop culture that has garnered many international fans.

But I think thats only part of it. The rest is fascination. I believe Sukkie has characteristics that just fascinate people. It’s his physical appearance; an almost feminine beauty yet undeniably masculine aura (like a shoujo manga bishounen come to life), it’s the crazy and often times questionable dressinge. It’s how he’s a complete mixture of boy and man. It’s how he gives interviews so well that you forget how young he really is! It’s the way he always seems to be giving his all without any reservations. It’s the famously strong relationship he continues to maintain with his jangeos and the way he handles the growing attention and pressure on him with grace, patience, cheerfulness and often times a large streak of despotic mischief. And even these descriptions don’t quite capture it I think.

The last two characteristics continue to be my favourite, though. I love how he handles his fans. In his Princedom (and make no mistake, it is a prinicipality and he is a Regent in residence that rules  with a firm but humerous hand) he has turned his fans into his playmates, his confidantes, his partners in crime (when it comes to getting things he wants from Mama Jang) his dongsaengs (when fans have misbehaved and must be scolded), his creative partners, and ultimately, that friend you talk about films, books and music with far into the night. He is a natural nurturer and has carefully groomed the relationship over the years starting from when they were just a few to now when they are thousands upon thousands. This is why his fans can’t leave him alone.

He is currently a big hit in Japan and the videos below attempt to define what it is that captures us so much about him:

Sukkiri 1

Sukkiri 2

It’s true of course that not everyone sees him this way.

My cousin who is also into korean and japanese stuff is more into more overtly masculine types like Lee Byung Hun and Oh Ji Ho ( and Lord knows I don’t blame her! hubba hubba!!!) and she said to me she feels Sukkie looks like an underfed woman.

I thought about it and I realized that I had also thought that (maybe in kinder words, hehe!) on one or two occasions due to one look or the other. And other eels have actually said it every now and then: Wow, he looks like an ahjumma or OMG he’s prettier than me or Omo! I thought that was a girl…!

And yet does it make sense that we love him even with that? It seems to me like it’s part of that magnetic pot pourri that is him. Because of it, even when we wander away to our other biases or discover new ones, we always, always find ourselves coming back.

Endlessly fascinated by our Sukkie.

New Chapter Alert…

I’m not even going to go in to how long it’s been or how much just really GREAT stuff I’ve missed covering and how many epic spazzes I’ve missed indulging in.
Let’s just say, it’s been a while, I’m married now (more on that laterz) and I wrote a new chapter for my Sukkie fan-fic!^^
Find it here.

Missed u madly.

IT’S CAITLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No but seriously, Caitlin, i’m wildly excited that you saw and liked the post and I’m so freaking relieved that I didn’t write anything rude (like “Get OFF him cow, he’s MIIIIINNNEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!)LOL!!!

Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! The event brought me out of my semi blog retirement!!! I shamelessly stalked her to her own blog and was rewarded for my obsessiveness with an absolutely divine account and fancams of her unbelievable night! This little lady encountered each member in one way or the other (except Dae who missed it and owes us !)

If you are in any way a VIP you have to read her story and (like me) gnash your teeth in exquisite jealousy of her ridiculous luck!!!

check it out!