Category Archives: K-dorama

Praying for a topless TOP

Bless you fan girls.

Seriously, bless your little idol chibi fan girl socks, all of you.

Everything else in the world can change but one thing will always remain constant and that is the pervertedness of fan girls!

AllKpop lately announced that Kim Ha Neul (we love her because she is Sukkie/Momo’s owner in “Your’re My Pet”) has been chosen to lead in a remake of the Japanese hit Absolute Boyfriend (Zettai Kareshi) opposite none other than Choi Seung Hyun better known as Big Bang’s power rapper TOP!

It hasn’t been confirmed yet though rumours already have it that TOP is looking favourably on the role. For K-drama lovers this is great because KHN is reputedly really good and TOP has been getting critical acclaim for his work too.

Not to mention that casting him is also dead on because who looks more cyborg perfect boy friend than TOP? He’s a complete doll! He even dresses like a Ken doll most of the time, right?

Fan girls however have cut quickly and efficiently to the single most important point that this news implies. As anyone who’se read the manga or the anime knows, Absolute boyfriend is about a girl who orders and receives a perfect boyfriend in the form of a cyborg.

What is of optimum importance here is that the cyborg/boyfriend is delivered to her in a box.


Did you catch that?


This would be enough to cause heart attacks with any idol but with TOP there is a possibility that the very foundations of KPop world may shift beneath our feet as everything we thought we knew changes.


Pay attention. There are many mysteries in Kpop, but one of the greatest ones is the mystery of TOP’s naked torso.

In a world where every idol has at some time or other had to give chest and ab fan service, TOP is an idol that has not only stubbornly continued to cover up, but  has done so with frustrating layer after layer of annoyingly, all covering layered fashions and for five years no amount of begging, pleading or weeping on the part of VIPs has moved him to reveal so much as a nip shot. Not since that time years ago when freshly debuted, he mistakenly flashed a micrometer of flesh only to show some of the baby fat that was the plague of his teenage years.

KPop theorists have mulled deeply over the years on it. Why is TOP’s torso one of the best kept secrets in Kpop? What could he be hiding? Tattoos? Scars? Grotesquely distended skin? Popular opinion has been forced to conclude that it can be none of these things due to various clues.

What makes it worse is that his co-Big Bang members have openly confided that TOP has the best chest of them all. People. We are talking about a group that includes the glorious torsos of Dong Young Bae and Kang Daesung. I personally believe they were trolling us when they said that.

So this is the gravitas that hangs around the possibility of TOP being in a movie where at last, that which has been concealed will finally be revealed to us.

I expect there will be a great blinding light.

I don’t plan on wearing sunglasses.

I think the general sentiment is best summarized by the hashtag banner of one commenter on the AKP thread:


Now let us spazz.

The Peekaboo Chest Collection

All images were pilfered and belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 6 and Lots of Sukkie!!! Yay!!! \(^-^)/

Forgot to say – finally got out chapter 6 of the fic! You can find it here as usual: Eels USA FB Page

And of course, in about a week it will be here too! So please check it out.

Meanwhile I know every Eel has probably already seen Sukkie’s publicity stills for his upcoming drama Mary Stayed Out all Night but I’m gonna put them up here a gazillion years late, firstly cos I haven’t put any Sukkie material up in a while and secondly so I could add my two cents to the talk the images generated.

So here they are via Drama Beans:

So the talk I read mostly centered around how feminine he looked in these pictures and I’m not going to complain about that  – why? Well, I think he does too, buuuuuuuuut… in a masculine way! hehe! Seriously! The fact is he’s a beautiful boy but he’s still a bit too tall and a tad too wide at the shoulders to pass for a lady, I think. Which leaves him at just that perfect sort of loveliness a guy can have which as you all know I think is just adorable!! *____* And then he speaks and his voice really just sums it up. You really can’t have a voice that sexily masculine and be mistaken for a chick. Not poss.

It’s not even my favourite of his hairstyles. It’s a bit too centre parted and wavy-cavey for me. I prefer his long hair properly tousled or packed up in a coconut tree!^^ But I still think he looks just edible!!!

But if you find those pics to sweet for you, then how about the ones he did for Series Nuovo?

credit: DC and tdedie via Sear’s Blog

All i’m saying is, I don’t see no girl up there!

And now an extra treat cos I’ve been so sparse these days! It’s a promo vid for Sukkie’s new show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


credit nanami5876@YT via Sears Blog.

A Mysterious Box Came…

Via DHL!

Addressed to me, from Hong Kong via England!

What could be in it??

The only way to find out is by opening it. So I do!! And what do I find???????

Iris Box Set

Big Bang – Electric Love Tour

Beethoven Virus with Sukkieeeeee!!!!!!

Brilliant Legacy!!!! Yaaaayyyyy!!!!

Crowning Glory: My Shine A Light Concert DVD \(^o^)/ Woooooooooooot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A peek inside the book that came with: Epicness!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, this took me several days to write and upload images for cos my internet subscription expired and I’ve been doing it sentence by sentence at work!





Anyways, have started in on some of the loot a little bit. Previewed the G-Dragon and BigBang concert and my conclusion is that I need a big screen TV in my life.

Also started on Brilliant Legacy and I’m happy to say that not only am I happily addicted to this show, but I am not alone!!! First two of my sisters joined me in it, then last night my Mom joined us and we watched till 2am! It was so much fun!!! It’s not the best show I’ve ever seen. It’s pretty simplistic (even for a K-drama!) and the plot is always super convenient but who cares, the story is one that anyone can plug into, the characters are funny (especially the Grandma and the step mom!) and it’s one of those shows that’s also fun to watch with folks so you can cheer or groan together as the case may be!

Ooh, also watching PT via downloading. Just finished first episode and all I can say is: Aw, Heeeeeeeeellllllllllllllll Naw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Momo Watch: Will Han Ye Seul be Sukkie’s Owner?

credit as tagged. Shared via Dramabeans.

According to Dramabeans she’s been offered the role and shown interest but is yet to formally accept it.

Will she make a good  Iwaya Sumire?

Credit: Excerpt from Manga              Credit: Image found @ Korean Video Girl Blogspot

Since I’ve never seen her in anything I really can’t guess but I’ll have to say she really looks the part!! If she’s as tall as she looks in her pics and they put her in heels, they might even be able to address the height issue (Iwaya is supposed to be taller than Momo). Plus it seems she is also a fluent English speaker just as Iwaya is in the manga (Need to confirm this).

I only hope she and Sukkie have the right chemistry to make this film the hit the dorama was in Japan.

Credit: MangasAddict @ Crunchroll

Shooting starts in June!

I have no idea how I’m going to be able to wait till I can see this movie!!!

Waaaaahhhhh!!!! Need more Sukkie Work Now!!!!!!!!!!

Random Sukkie image just because ^____^

credit as tagged. Shared via Eels Usa Facebook Page

Time for a Sukkie Spazz!!!

All images used credited as marked/labeled (and if not, pls. forgive!!!)

Okay, I’m taking a leaf out of your blog Stellena and I’m going to do a spazz post because I’m coming to believe that spazzing is good for the fan girl heart!^^

This one is dedicated of course to my personal no. 1, Jang Keun Suk or Sukkie as I will refer to him hereafter. I think it’s time I outlined the history of this craziness and also maybe even shed some light on why he is my primary fangirl idol.

Truth be said, I haven’t even adored his Sukkieness for that long. I just discovered him and it was all because of a craving I had for doramas this year that made me go on a binge! The first thing I saw with him in it is “Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do” which I watched because I had just seen “Temptation of a Wolf” which had been written by the same internet author Guiyeoni (both really cool films by the way. Also see “He Was Cool.”)

I don’t remember what coincidence it was that brought me to watch You’re Beautiful next, but I didn’t even know Sukkie was the same guy from Do Re Mi till after I had finished the series and I was stalking researching him online. I remember being completely shocked because of just how different he was in the two roles. I’m usually pretty good at noticing actors I’ve seen before but Sukkie slipped passed my radar like a phantom. It was literally like he was two. different. people.

But that’s a different point that I’ll get back to (if I remember!).

This was my experience watching Sukkie in YAB as I remember it:

– Hm. That’s the lead singer. Wonder if he’s the romantic interest. What’s up with his hair??? And is that a blouse? 0.O

– Awww, Jeremy is cute but I like Shin Woo best! ^__^ Hope he’s the love interest. But it’s probably Tae Kyung cos he’s so mean faced. >:-(

– Jeeze, why does he scowl all the time? Ooh but i kinda like his walk. It’s like a swagger. Pretty hot.

– His voice is hot too. You wouldn’t think such a slender man would have such a masculine voice. Hmmm. He is getting fascinating…

– Muahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

– Hm. I still like Shin Woo but I think I like Tae Kyung better now! He’s so arrogant and funny at the same time! It’s cute how he bosses Go Mi Nam around and I like when he does his hair in a coconut tree! And he has such nice shoulders!!!

– OMO! OMO! He just smiled!!!!! O.O

– Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! I like Tae Kyung best!!!! I want him and Go Mi Nam to be together foreverrrrrrrrrr<<<<<33333!!!! *_________*

…And I’m afraid it kind of all goes downhill from there.

Anyway believe it or not, I still wasn’t completely bedazzled by him. Just seriously fascinated. It was when I finished he show and began to look him up, watching behind the scene vids as well as the host of other Sukkie vids that are available on YT that I became what I call a Sukkieholic!


Cos to my utter shock he was nothing like Tae Kyung! The real Sukkie is a really talented but also warm, playful, mischievous, social guy who gives the impression of being comfortable in front of cameras without being too slick and seems to enjoy a real (and this is not a rose tinted view) connection with his fans. He is a little vain (he LOVES his clothes and experimenting with his hair and taking pics! It’s adorable!), a little (okay a lot) dorky and always brutally honest, giving away details of himself most people would cringe to admit. It was amazing for me to see that a person like this pulled off Tae Kyung’s stiff character the way he did!

The other thing that caught me about him is how he is with his Eels (his fans). I honestly have never seen any celebrity anywhere in the world that seems quite as pleased to see his fans as our Sukkie appears to be. The delight in his eyes, the huge grin, the bounce in his step when they are around is something I noticed in so many of his vids, even when he is tired. At his FM at Seoul he broke down and became tearful at the end of the show. In Taiwan he clutched a scrapbook that a fan had struggled on stage to give to him like his life depended on it.

When an appearance of his got canceled due to a National Incident he made sure that the fans that waited for him got fed with delicious kimbap (like sushi), a very special kind that is more expensive than the regular type.

One just needs to see the messages he shares with his eels to know why they love him so much. Funny, affectionate, honest, direct, silly, playful, enthusiastic, sleepy, excited, bossy, thankful, sad, happy, gleeful…these and so many more are the many faces of Sukkie that his Eels get to see though his messages and his chat room conversations. I believe being able to see those faces is what keeps his Eels with him.

Wow…this post turned out super long and I didn’t even get to just how hawt he is!!!

Ah – well, maybe there will have to be a part 2. Then I’ll spazz about the movie roles he’s done, his commercials, his kiss scenes and his looks over the years!

Look forward to it, please!

Bye cri ~

PS. If you love Sukkie too, here are cool places to go for current info and where you can meet fellow eels:

Sears Blog

Soompie JKS Official Thread

JKS Official Fan Site

Anyone Watching “Oh! My Lady” ?

credit: dramawiki

It’s a Kdorama that’s airing right now and I thought I’d try it out because it was mentioned on dramabeans. A girl has to do something while she’s waiting for Jang Keun Suk to put out some more work already!!! (Come on Sukkie! How about an MV or a CF!! We need more product!!!)

Hehehe, well, I’m four episodes in and I remember now why I HATE watching things that are currently airing bcos now I’m dying to see what happens next!

The premise at least is preparing me for the coming of the Korean “Kimi wa Petto” as it involves a young, hot guy and a Noona (older lady). Well…an Ahjumma to be precise (a woman about 30s/40s). Here is the synopsis from drama wiki:

A spunky 35-year-old housewife, Yoon Gae Hwa, takes on the job of manager to prickly top star Sung Min Woo in order to earn enough money to regain custody of her child from her ex-husband. Romantic hijinks and hilarity ensues when they find themselves in an awkward living situation as Min Woo pays Gae Hwa to take care of his daughter, Ye Eun.

The Ahjumma is played by cute Chae Rim while the top star is played by real life top idol, Super Junior’s Choi Si Won, he of the dimples and the belief defying abs.

credit: my screen cap                                                           Credit: my screen cap

Please don’t imagine that this is in anyway a deep show. It is a typical, shallow, cliched romcom with laughs and hi-jinks that does not take itself that seriously. That said, I am finding it very entertaining.

Here are my top reasons for you to check out OML:

Fan Service:

credit: My screen cap.

My comment here? “Oh flegibberty…” because some things can not be expressed in words that mean things! And is she seriously supposed to answer that?

Every episode so far except episode 4 has featured a more than satisfying glance of the famous abs. I don’t care how above fan service you consider yourself to be ladies but Siwon’s abs are a wonder to behold and it is worth checking out this show just for a glimpse of them. This is just plain truth

Possibly the World’s Cutest Little Girl:

credits: My screen caps. Goodness, would you look at those cheeks!!!

Oh my God, I dare you to show me a little girl more adorable than sad little Ye Eun played with cry baby aplomb by tiny actress Kim Yoo Bin. In fact it is a ridiculous aspect of the plot that this kid was abandoned!!! Who wouldn’t want her???? Oh and the adorable little wardrobe that the show’s stylist has hooked her up with has such incredible awwwwwwwww factor!!! Loves it and her!!!!!!!!! ^________^

Love Triangle:

credit: dramawiki

Ooh!! Big surprise there! But lets not be cynical, after all this is what we watch dorama’s for, right? So they haven’t come out and said it but it’s looking like both Siwon’s top star and the producer of the show he’s working on, an older but still dapper guy played by Lee Hyun Woo, will be battling for our cute ahjumma’s affection. And of course they each have an evil lady in their life whom we will love to hate so the set up is quite complete.

Anyways, this is where I am patiently following this show. It’s a really great site cos you get to see the translator’s comments as you’re watching and they are hilarious!!!


Kimi Wa Petto, Sukkie and the Noonas.

If you’re familiar with Kimi wa Petto and also with Jang Keun Suk, then I probably don’t need to follow up my post header with an article. This smilie should suffice:


But I’ll do the article anyway.

Fangirl world is a mystical place.

It all started with the josei manga “kimi wa petto” (by Yayoi Ogawa) which has been on my must read list for the looooongest time. It’s a story about a beautiful, independent career woman with a not so great life who finds an injured bishounen and adopts him as her pet. For goodness sake, the first chapter of this manga is called ‘How to Raise a Bishounen” so anyone that knows me immediately gets this book was obviously written for me, right?

Only thing is fate keeps me and this manga apart. Every time I want to start it I’m having an internet blackout period or I’m completely buried at work. So years pass by and I more or less forget about it.

Then this year I discover (as the Taiwanese Press call him) Korean flower boy Jang Keun Suk or (as international fans like to call him) Sukkie. After seeing most of his work and more or less binging on his media exposure I immediately transformed into a shameless fangirl of what would be referred to in Korea as the Noona variety.  And I quickly found out I was not alone. Most of the other shameless Noona fangirls out there seemed to be thinking the same thing. We would adopt Sukkie as a pet in a second.

Then when Sukkie (calculatedly?) expressed the desire to act the role of a young man in love with a noona, after much waaaaaaahhhhhing!!! and kyaaaaaaaaaaaaing!!!, visions of kimi wa petto danced before our eyes and some of us even dared to hope that  we may see with our eyes what our minds had long fantasized.

But it had already been announced that the show was going to be remade in Korea and that precious role was to go to  cute Kim Hyun Joong of Kpop boygroup SS501. So the truth was we were being unrealistic.

But then this morning, like our cups of joy were not already full from images and footage of Sukkie’s truimphant fan meet in Taiwan, the news arrived and our cups officially runneth over!!! Lol!

Sukkie will be Momo (the pet bishounen) and all is right with the world.

He’s already been playing with the mop like hairdo. We know he has the acting chops and the charisma to pull off the role though the general consensus is that he has big shoes to fill in following Matsumoto Jun’s reportedly outstanding performance in the japanese dorama version. My only worry is the ballet but we’ll see, I guess.

I’m reading the manga now and will follow up with the dorama then i don’t know what I’ll do to contain my anticipation!!! I guess go on forums and natter on endlessly about it.

But for now, I am purring in contentment.:3

UPDATE: Wow! Almost forgot to mention. The sensational news was broken by the dramabeans blog, a good source of all things Kpop and Dorama!

"You’re Beautiful" or My name is Neogogo and I’m a Suki-holic!

For some reason, this year, I’ve really been all about doramas as well as K and J movies. Despite all odds (that’s my country; All Odds) I managed to watch a few which fed the craving but also encouraged it. They really are like good chocolate!

Anyway, I plan to write reviews of all of them overtime so anyone can decide if they want to see them too, but this post in particular is dedicated to the K-dorama, “You’re Beautiful,” which just finished airing on Korean TV, end of last year (Also sometimes known as He’s Beautiful or She’s Handsome).

(bottom right is actress Park Shin Hye! You could tell, right?)

Like most doramas, this one flows like a shoujo manhwa (I say manhwa as opposed to mangas cos the Korean stuff has a sense of humour that I feel is a lot closer to ours and some of that is evident in the show.) It’s a gender-crossing romantic comedy starring cute, multi-talented Park Shin Hye as a Novice (about to be a nun) who has to fill for her identical twin brother as a new member of the hottest, boy band in the country, A.N.Jell.

(“Boys” of A.N.Jell)

Her brother is of course absent for most of the show and we get to watch Shin Hye’s hilarious attempts to keep her gender a secret from the rest of the band and it’s management team. Attempts which mostly fall apart by episode 2. The cuteness factor is ramped up by how adorable she looks in her boy disguise most of the time and her and the rest of the boys’ androgynous wardrobe is actually worth watching the show for. That and the love rectangle!

But the real reward for watching this show is its lead bishounen, the ridiculously charismatic, real life idol, Jang Geun Suk (or Jang Keun Suk) who’se image is currently gracing my laptop’s desktop. He plays the character of cold, arrogant and anal retentive band leader, Hwang Tae Kyung and he plays it with aplomb!

It’s funny because when I first started the show, I didn’t think he was that cute. He was always sneering, smirking or just looking pissed off. I liked Kang Shin Woo (the sweet and sensitive type back up guitarist) and “Jeremy” (the blond quirky drummer) better. But I was very fascinated by his ultra, ultra bishounen idol hair and wardrobe and I also loved his walk or, for lack of a better term, swagger.

(sure she doesn’t look much like our idea of a boy. But in Asia, few boy idols do ^-^)

As the show proceeded and he and Go Mi Nam’s (Park Shin Hye’s) relationship grew, my admiration for this actor seriously climbed. He managed to bring an unbelievable amount of charisma and humour to a very bitter and anal character so much so that by the middle of the show, I had eyes for no one but this arrogant bastard. And when he finally smiled……..HUGE pay off!!!!!!!!

(me? bitter? anal? A behind the scene smile from Sukkie.
Watch the show to see the one there ;))

That’s why I’m currently a Suki-holic. I think he’s filled up the sad space in my fan girl heart that Tony Leung left and since he’s just 22, he’ll probably be there for a while! ^________^

Despite his age, Geun Suk has charmed the ladies via TV and Movies for the last 18 years. I had seen him in Do Re Mi So Fa Ti La Do where he was also a musician in a band before this Show but I didn’t even know it was him because he looked and seemed so different. The charm and the huge performance were the same though prompting me to feel that this guy is really someone to watch out for.

In addition to his acting career he is a musician, a DeeJay and a hawt model. What more could a girl ask for in a real live bishounen, I ask you?

(Multi-talented Seuk on the Turn Tables!)

Anyways, look for Jang Geun Suk in You’re Beautiful, Beethoven Virus, DoReMiSoFaTiLaDo, Baby and Me and The Itaewon Murder Case, his latest and most gritty to date (goodbye squeaky clean, idol image). Also catch the songs he’s done for Promotional purposes. You won’t believe how catchy and listenable they are, kinda like Black Eyed Peas! Currently on repeat on my mp3 player: “Drag,” “Toucholic” and “Black Engine.”

(Images from “Toucholic” (Sukiholic? Geddit?) and Black Engine Vids)

This guy is my favourite right now and if you check out his stuff, I’m pretty sure he’ll be your favourite too!

Eh-to…atashi-wa, Neogogo-chan. Suki-holic desu!

My Screen Caps from the Show

(Discover the Mystery of Pig Rabbit!)

(Hyung-nim does not like to be touched)

(My favourite hairstyle. Bishounelicious!)

**Disclaimer: Most of these images were pilfered from sites giving news of or praise to Geun Suk. I am very grateful to them for their work but I have lost the credits and I hope they will forgive me for reusing these pics pleeeeeeeeeeze! Just trying to spread the love on my side of the globe! Go Fighting Eels!! ^_^;;

Dorama Love #^_______^#

Are there Nigerians out there that like K and J doramas as much as I do?

For the uninitiated, Kdorama or Jdorama are simply slang terms for certain sorts of TV dramas that come out of Japan and Korea.

The Dorama is a very wide genre encompassing everything from serious to somewhat bizarre or perverted but the type I’m referring to tends to follow certain patterns: melodramatic, mushy romance or silly, comical, romantic comedies. Characteristic features include, high school life, swaggering pretty boys, clutzy but cute or spunky heroines, bullying, love triangles, jealousy, fights, possessiveness, emo posing, angsty brooding, heart breaking misunderstandings, dramatic confessions, bitter sweet endings and syrupy sweet j or k pop sound tracks.

Of course there are variations. Some of them feature older, working types and therefore slightly more mature stories but the end product is the same. Something to massage your heart strings. They are literally shoujo mangas (japanese comics aimed at girls) on TV. Quite a few of them are based on mangas or manhwas (the Korean equivalent).

I have recently discovered that those shows are like crack to me! I mean it’s a good thing we don’t have an Asian TV channel in Nigeria cos I don’t think I would be able to leave the house!

Why do I love them so much? They are predictable, manipulative, derivative, saccharine, frequently unhealthy…but I could say the same about chocolate and I love that too.

The truth is that a good J or K dorama gives me the warm fuzzies. You know that feeling that you get when you realize that you’re smiling despite yourself? Even when you’re alone? They also make me tear up despite myself and make me laugh despite myself.

I love when the school idol (usually a pretty boy, tough guy that all the girls, including myself, squeal at and all the boys fear, see bishounen) cracks his icy cool armour and falls hard for the (insert predominant quality – shy, quirky, spunky, clutzy, average) girl and starts to indirectly woo her. I love it when competition rises in the form of another pretty boy tough guy that’s a foil to his type. If our main guy is rowdy, this guy is a cool customer, if our main guy is chill, this guy is wild and happy go lucky. Like a mugen and jin (samurai champloo) situation.

I love that the shows never try to be clever. They are what they are and are unashamedly so. I love the online communities of soft hearted fan girls that spring up around and as a result of these shows.

Doramas remind me that there is a place and a time for everything. Sometimes you want something deep and thought provoking. Sometimes you want something that challenges your imagination. Sometimes, you just want something thats fun, can only described in squeals and awwws and gives you warm fuzzies.

I guess that’s why I’m addicted to doramas and I wish other Nigerians or West Africans would be interested in them too because that would influence the supply around here! Right now, it’s not worth it to my DVD supplier to get them 😦

Will do my best to post about some of the dramas I have been enjoying so you can check them out too. Mean while, some good places to start introducing yourself to the genre include here and here.

UPDATE: On further exploration, other really good sites for getting into all sorts of doramas are Soompi and Dramabeans. These guys give really exhaustive reports and very satisfying breakdowns on shows and pop culture in general.