Category Archives: romance

Praying for a topless TOP

Bless you fan girls.

Seriously, bless your little idol chibi fan girl socks, all of you.

Everything else in the world can change but one thing will always remain constant and that is the pervertedness of fan girls!

AllKpop lately announced that Kim Ha Neul (we love her because she is Sukkie/Momo’s owner in “Your’re My Pet”) has been chosen to lead in a remake of the Japanese hit Absolute Boyfriend (Zettai Kareshi) opposite none other than Choi Seung Hyun better known as Big Bang’s power rapper TOP!

It hasn’t been confirmed yet though rumours already have it that TOP is looking favourably on the role. For K-drama lovers this is great because KHN is reputedly really good and TOP has been getting critical acclaim for his work too.

Not to mention that casting him is also dead on because who looks more cyborg perfect boy friend than TOP? He’s a complete doll! He even dresses like a Ken doll most of the time, right?

Fan girls however have cut quickly and efficiently to the single most important point that this news implies. As anyone who’se read the manga or the anime knows, Absolute boyfriend is about a girl who orders and receives a perfect boyfriend in the form of a cyborg.

What is of optimum importance here is that the cyborg/boyfriend is delivered to her in a box.


Did you catch that?


This would be enough to cause heart attacks with any idol but with TOP there is a possibility that the very foundations of KPop world may shift beneath our feet as everything we thought we knew changes.


Pay attention. There are many mysteries in Kpop, but one of the greatest ones is the mystery of TOP’s naked torso.

In a world where every idol has at some time or other had to give chest and ab fan service, TOP is an idol that has not only stubbornly continued to cover up, but  has done so with frustrating layer after layer of annoyingly, all covering layered fashions and for five years no amount of begging, pleading or weeping on the part of VIPs has moved him to reveal so much as a nip shot. Not since that time years ago when freshly debuted, he mistakenly flashed a micrometer of flesh only to show some of the baby fat that was the plague of his teenage years.

KPop theorists have mulled deeply over the years on it. Why is TOP’s torso one of the best kept secrets in Kpop? What could he be hiding? Tattoos? Scars? Grotesquely distended skin? Popular opinion has been forced to conclude that it can be none of these things due to various clues.

What makes it worse is that his co-Big Bang members have openly confided that TOP has the best chest of them all. People. We are talking about a group that includes the glorious torsos of Dong Young Bae and Kang Daesung. I personally believe they were trolling us when they said that.

So this is the gravitas that hangs around the possibility of TOP being in a movie where at last, that which has been concealed will finally be revealed to us.

I expect there will be a great blinding light.

I don’t plan on wearing sunglasses.

I think the general sentiment is best summarized by the hashtag banner of one commenter on the AKP thread:


Now let us spazz.

The Peekaboo Chest Collection

All images were pilfered and belong to their respective owners.

Fanfic Update and Hot Suk Sunday!!! ^^

I’ve put up Chapter 4 of  my Sukkie fanfic, “Stella’s Cafe”!!!!!

Can’t believe I’m on chapter 4 already and currently working on chapter 5! Who knows how long this thing plans to be? =_=;

Oh well, I’m having a great time writing it so I hope you’re having as good a time reading it :DDD!

So I can’t leave without mentioning that apparently today is Hot Suk Sunday because the japanese magazine Hot Chili Paper just released a photo editorial of his Sukkieness that is just SMOKING!!! We might seriously have to change his title to his royal SMEXINESS!!! LOL!

credit: as tagged + tdedie@baidu via Sear’s Blog

This one was my fave just because of the smile ^_____^ You can See more of this amazingness at Sears Blog!

As if this wasn’t enough, heroic eel shiro401 has managed to track down the behind the scenes of the photoshoot!

There are no words to express the mix of adorable and hotness contained herein. It is just *__________*

EDIT: Here’s the 2nd part.  WARNING: This is probably going to put you all in hospital.

No. Words.



I just really need to thank the eels that take the time to find this stuff and then post it up for all of us to share and kya-ah and nose bleed over. You guys are lovely and surely have a high place in Sukkie heaven!^^

Hah. Happy Eel signing off.

Momo Watch: Will Han Ye Seul be Sukkie’s Owner?

credit as tagged. Shared via Dramabeans.

According to Dramabeans she’s been offered the role and shown interest but is yet to formally accept it.

Will she make a good  Iwaya Sumire?

Credit: Excerpt from Manga              Credit: Image found @ Korean Video Girl Blogspot

Since I’ve never seen her in anything I really can’t guess but I’ll have to say she really looks the part!! If she’s as tall as she looks in her pics and they put her in heels, they might even be able to address the height issue (Iwaya is supposed to be taller than Momo). Plus it seems she is also a fluent English speaker just as Iwaya is in the manga (Need to confirm this).

I only hope she and Sukkie have the right chemistry to make this film the hit the dorama was in Japan.

Credit: MangasAddict @ Crunchroll

Shooting starts in June!

I have no idea how I’m going to be able to wait till I can see this movie!!!

Waaaaahhhhh!!!! Need more Sukkie Work Now!!!!!!!!!!

Random Sukkie image just because ^____^

credit as tagged. Shared via Eels Usa Facebook Page

Fan Girling


So…I kind of think I’m a fan girl.

Scratch that. I’m pretty much a fan girl I just didn’t realize it till my most recent fan girl obsession (more on that later). Strange thing is I’m coming to realize I’ve always been one. I’m actually the type.

Before starting this post i did a shallow browse to see what internet oracles Google, Wiki and Urban Dictionary said about fan girls and fan girlism. I wanted to have an idea of just what I was confessing too. I must say, it wasn’t pretty at all.

The term fangirl is mostly used in a derogatory manner and fan girl culture is largely derided. For some reason, maybe because of where i was looking, a lot of people seem to find the term inseperable from Twilight Culture and the teens that ascribe to it.


I don’t want to defend fangirlism. I just want to say why I am coming to terms with the fan girl in me.

I first started showing traits in my tweens which I suppose must be typical. What is interesting is I remember even before I fixated on my first boy group how much I wanted someone or something to love in that passionate yet giggly way. I wanted to be able fantasize with my girlfriends at sleepovers. I wanted to hunt down pictures and paste them up declaring my absolute allegiance to the world even before I found anything to obsess about. I wasn’t all that into real boys and I’m pretty sure I was already reading too many romance books.

Then I discovered the group ‘Take That’ (Mark Owen in particular) and my fan girl history began. My obsession with them was not entirely satisfying because, Nigeria doesn’t really foster fan or hobbyist communities and this was before internet so there was no one to love them with and maybe that’s why that first love faded (though there is still a lingering warmth for them. So happy they released an album again:))

Since then, over the years, I have nursed devotions to various personalities or groups including: The Beatles (very delayed beatlemania, lol!) Robert De Niro AND Al Pacino, Michael J Fox, Sharuk Khan, Dave Matthews Band, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Ikuta Toma and most recently Jang Geun Suk.

Yes. Most recently. All these years down the line. I’ve been working for years now and I’m still reading “comics,” watching “cartoons” and fangirling. There’s a word for people like me in Nigeria. It’s “Agbaya” and to sum it up I would say it’s what you call someone that is – er – maturity challenged?

I don’t know what makes me fan girl. I just know that sometimes I admire something or someone so much that it gives me the uber happies which leads to portrayal of fan girl traits: taking in all their work repeatedly, hording images and information, refusing to obey the laws of grammer or even express intelligibly, being totally shocked when anyone doesn’t like them and looking for other people doing the exact same thing so we can do it together.

Sick and sad? I don’t know.  To be honest, I believe it can be. There is a thin, almost invisible line between fanning and stalking and there’s a dark place where reality can blur with fantasy and one constantly hears of fangirls who wander into this limbo never to return again. This is where non-fan-people believe we already dwell. That’s why they look at us with that particular *look* when they stumble unto our image collection/fan fiction bank/shrine (I kid, I kid! U should have seen tour face when u read shrine).

The thing is, I also think there are positive aspects to fan girling. It’s true we speak a strange language and use way too many emoticons and punctuations in general. But my experience as a fan girl makes me wonder does it matter how we communicate if we are communicating? Isn’t it great to be able to get on like a house on fire with someone from the other side of the world because of a shared passion? And isn’t it wonderful to be able to let yourself be passionate and not be ashamed to be so?

I think it’s great to be able to crush like the teen girl I still am inside (I really am an agbaya!) and to have friends who help me laugh at myself because they do the same thing. I think sometimes our devotion is important to the industries they tend to rise around. Our support can sometimes push our stars to new heights which makes us even happier. Also sometimes our admiration influences us positively to do greater things with our lives like learn languages, write or just try harder in life.  There’s so much more I want to say about positive aspects of fan girl culture but this post has gone beyond epic. Gotta round up!

I do wish all fan girls could be the healthy type that respect as well as love their idols and keep fantasy and reality in  their respective compartments. I wish they could be like the fan girls I have met so far who prioritize mutual respect and organisation above all in creating the communities through which we relate. Fan girling to me is supposed to be about pure, girl-centric fun. But I don’t run the world. I’m just a fan girl who deliberately chats with typos and shamelessly uses terrible japanenglish/Hangulenglish with her OL friends.

I should know better. Actually, I do, I just happily ignore it.



Are there Gamer Widows in Nigeria?

Nigeria is football country (if you’re in the US then Soccer Country). People here are absolutely fanatical about the old, leather ball and not just on a local level either. My country is home to some of the International leagues most manic fans. As a result, football culture is far from exotic here and almost any one would know what you meant if you brought up the catch phrase: “Football Widow.”

It’s not that there are no female football fans here because there are. Lots of them. It’s just that for every one of them you could probably count 50 women who are only mildly interested in the game (“I only like to watch our boys”) and maybe 20 who are left cold by it (“I’d rather be watching old episodes of Law&Order. Mmmm, Benjamin Bratt.”).

Since the majority of football fans are male and a substantial number of them are married or involved in a relationship, it is quite inevitable that the phenomenon of the football widow would arise. Wives who are thrown to the side during all important footy events. It’s a problem that female culture has been trying to come to terms with for years. What to do? Fight? Revenge? Compromise?

The whole thing got me thinking. Is there an equivalent situation for the wives and girl friends of gamers? Especially here, in football country?

If one thinks about it, the situations are somewhat similar. People who are far enough into the vast world of gaming to be considered gamers have just as much a passion for their consoles, handhelds, and desktop platforms as any rabid football fan. Even though female gamers exist, they are way fewer and further between than female football fans in Nigeria. It stands to chance, therefore, that most Nigerian, male gamers that are in relationships are not in the happy position of being able to share their passion for the joystick with their significant others. Logic, therefore, suggests that Nigeria as a country must be sprinkled with it’s fair share of Gamer Widows.

And how do you know you are a Gamer Widow? Do you spend a lot of your visits to his place on the couch watching him defeat vast hordes of enemy orcs? Is it like pulling teeth to get him to spend time with you in your cold, console bereft home? Does he fight for possession of the TV set with the kids on Saturday morning? Does he have a Halo night (an entire day and night to be spent with his buddies drinking beer and shooting each other)? Are you forced to use Mario allegories when trying to explain your feelings to him? (okay, that last one was a cheesy joke!) Then don’t kid your self because you are indeed a Gamer Widow.

We don’t hear that much about it here but I assume that this is because adult gaming (er – not pornography) is still barely one step above a dirty little secret in Nigeria. Overseas one hears much more about this sort of thing. I have heard the story of a girl whose boyfriend was so deeply involved in his Massively Multiplayer Online Role Player Game (MMORPG) world that their relationship melted down. This despite the fact that she was actually a gamer too and also involved in that particular world too. But cases like these are pretty drastic and Gaming culture is rife with similar sensational stories!

I ask out of the curiosity of a girl who is indeed in a relationship with a gamer. Unfortunately I can’t truly bring my experience to bear here because I myself am a casual gamer. In fact at this point in my life I have realised that not only do I have a predilection for games, but I also have a taste for the guys that love them. Why? I will have to explore that in another post as I think there’s something there that perhaps I can get some feed back on.

Anyway, apart from that I think I may be lucky as my gamer boy falls in a category that I would like to call “the considerate gamer.” What this means is he always tries to get me involved, going out of his way to find out what games might interest me and seek them out. He also makes sure Halo night will be okay with me and has an open door policy as far as it’s concerned. Finally, he actually makes out time from his work and gaming schedule to be my bf. Putting it all down like this is my way of saying I noticed and thank you.

Meanwhile I will try and investigate by asking the gfs of the gamers I know here what they think of their gamer boys and if any of them have been widowed. Who knows, Nigeria might have a better track record as far as this is concerned than the rest of the world!

Anyway here’s a funny I stole from somewhere about gamer relationships.