Monthly Archives: October 2012

I Think This Might Be A Sign…

The fact that I got hacked…
And that I haven’t done a new post in forever…

I really didn’t want to end this. I haven’t even finished my fanfic. But I have to own up that Sugarwater’s time seems to be already behind me because I am changing and it’s past time to re-invent myself.

So many years. So many adventures. Do I still love all the things I spoke about in my about page? Gaming? Anime? Doramas? Kpop? I must say some of my tastes have refined over the years.

But more importantly my life is expanding so much that they do not occupy as a big a space in me heart as they once did. Buut I am still fond of this world and I will never forget how much joy it gave me at a time when I felt like I really needed it.
I don’t think I will ever leave it completely.

I don’t know if there will be another post after this. Maybe when I create a new blog, my final post will be directing anyone who even reads this to it.

To everyone who read, especially to those who commented and even more especially to those who reached out in friendship –

and a million sugary hugs and kisses!^______________________^!!!!