Tag Archives: Lounge H

Korea vs. Nigeria T.T

I knew it was coming since Nigeria and South Korea were put n the same group but I just decided not to think about it.

Now, it’s come home to roost.

Not only is Nigeria going to play against my Sukkie’s country, Sukkie will be watching and expecting his eel’s support. I discovered the evidence on sears blog today!

courtesy: shiro401

This is a dilemma! My loyalties are divided! Do I support King or country?

What if Nigeria loses??? What if Nigeria wins??????

Will his Sukkieness forgive this eel if she stands against him just this one time so she can stand for her country???

I can’t even watch this match. I will stay far away not having a heart attack.

And hoping selfishly for a draw!

PS. Yes, I noticed they spelled Nigeria wrong and no I will not be making a big deal of it unless they spell it wrong in Hangul. (Just kidding. Frankly don’t care how they spell it. I know I can’t say or write ‘Korea’ in Hangul!)