Tag Archives: ss501

Kimi Wa Petto, Sukkie and the Noonas.

If you’re familiar with Kimi wa Petto and also with Jang Keun Suk, then I probably don’t need to follow up my post header with an article. This smilie should suffice:


But I’ll do the article anyway.

Fangirl world is a mystical place.

It all started with the josei manga “kimi wa petto” (by Yayoi Ogawa) which has been on my must read list for the looooongest time. It’s a story about a beautiful, independent career woman with a not so great life who finds an injured bishounen and adopts him as her pet. For goodness sake, the first chapter of this manga is called ‘How to Raise a Bishounen” so anyone that knows me immediately gets this book was obviously written for me, right?

Only thing is fate keeps me and this manga apart. Every time I want to start it I’m having an internet blackout period or I’m completely buried at work. So years pass by and I more or less forget about it.

Then this year I discover (as the Taiwanese Press call him) Korean flower boy Jang Keun Suk or (as international fans like to call him) Sukkie. After seeing most of his work and more or less binging on his media exposure I immediately transformed into a shameless fangirl of what would be referred to in Korea as the Noona variety.  And I quickly found out I was not alone. Most of the other shameless Noona fangirls out there seemed to be thinking the same thing. We would adopt Sukkie as a pet in a second.

Then when Sukkie (calculatedly?) expressed the desire to act the role of a young man in love with a noona, after much waaaaaaahhhhhing!!! and kyaaaaaaaaaaaaing!!!, visions of kimi wa petto danced before our eyes and some of us even dared to hope that  we may see with our eyes what our minds had long fantasized.

But it had already been announced that the show was going to be remade in Korea and that precious role was to go to  cute Kim Hyun Joong of Kpop boygroup SS501. So the truth was we were being unrealistic.

But then this morning, like our cups of joy were not already full from images and footage of Sukkie’s truimphant fan meet in Taiwan, the news arrived and our cups officially runneth over!!! Lol!

Sukkie will be Momo (the pet bishounen) and all is right with the world.

He’s already been playing with the mop like hairdo. We know he has the acting chops and the charisma to pull off the role though the general consensus is that he has big shoes to fill in following Matsumoto Jun’s reportedly outstanding performance in the japanese dorama version. My only worry is the ballet but we’ll see, I guess.

I’m reading the manga now and will follow up with the dorama then i don’t know what I’ll do to contain my anticipation!!! I guess go on forums and natter on endlessly about it.

But for now, I am purring in contentment.:3

UPDATE: Wow! Almost forgot to mention. The sensational news was broken by the dramabeans blog, a good source of all things Kpop and Dorama!